Sunday, September 06, 2009

Heading South...then North East.

Well, its been another month that I haven't updated...a few more things are going on here in Salem...the Fall DTS just arrived here tonight and I was able to play some games with them on the course tonight...Go Giant Swing!

Anyways, other things that are going on...if you follow me at all on Twitter you will know that we have started a new little competition here at YWAM Salem. That's right! Beards For Bucks. This one is a little different then ones that I have done before...this time your paying me to keep my far we have a $2500 goal between 5 contestants. My advice for you at this time is to go to and vote for your favorite Beard...(mine) and donate some money. Really it goes for a good cause.

Now for what is happening with me this next month...I think. The end of this week will be me leading the next NIKO here at the base...if you don't know what that is....check it out. I get the chance to facilitate almost 30 participants and and I think 14 staff on an Outdoor Leadership Training Program. Its going to be a lot of fun. That's next week.

I am back for a while after that (2 weeks) and then I travel down to Bishop Ca. to help facilitate a backpacking expedition with YWAM Bishop I will be there for almost 2 weeks...and then! from I hope/believe around the 12th of October I will be back in Twin Falls for a month.

SO. If your reading this and your checking up on me through this WWW thing and you would like to hang out...maybe talk about how you can support me in what I am doing...I would love to do that. I have a bill hanging on my shoulders well, honestly I don't really want. I have been almost 7 years debt free and don't want to start a habit like this at all.
I am not going to go into that anymore but if you would like to help out contact me and I can get you pointed in the right direction to help me help you :) Good? Good. Enough of that.

Now for some of the photos that I have been taking as of late.

The First one of course is a little Scare tactic for Beards For Its Game On fellas!

The next few are some of Megan. She always has the opportunity as the stand in for my lighting experiments so patient.

And the one of Phil is for one of the Ads we are putting together for our ELC...English Language Culture.

By the way Phil...I am going to miss you bro. Have fun in Nairobi. See ya there someday.

Have a good day.

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