Saturday, January 17, 2009

First post of 09´ with pictures!

A few photos taken of some of the work I have been doing down here. NOTE: The photos taken are not MY photos. they are a member of the team that was down here Brian, also a great photog. Thanks Brian for leaving some photos behind down here.

From Dimension
Luba learning how to throw things at my head.

From Dimension
Dirk and I in the trees...I am on the left.

From Dimension

Jorg and I in another tree. Passing him the drill.
From Dimension
Drilling the Flying Squirrell

From Dimension
Taking photos of the pamper pole being put up.

From Dimension

A few days on Honey Island, hanging out with some of the guys.

From Dimension
Trying to get the bolt in with my mind. I finally got it.

From Dimension

Camron Diaz...apparently I look like her.

From Dimension
Short hike to the top of some rocks a few minutes walk from the base.

From Dimension
On top of that big rock...looking out.

From Dimension

Back to training on the course.

From Dimension

Teaching knots...Thanks Rex!

From Dimension
How I climb trees...I guess.

From Dimension
First attempt on the Zip Line...our participant had just a few broken legs...I mean bottles.

From Dimension

From Dimension
Another tree...Giant Swing I believe.

From Dimension
Platform for The Giant Swing

From Dimension
Another look out. running around with some of the kids from the neighborhood.

From Dimension
Calling it a day.

From Dimension
Working with my brother...err...Ivo. (and Hanna)

From Dimension
Brad and I. Literally my sanity :)

From Dimension

I guess I just like to hang out at the tops of trees and poles...this one I had to wait for a while...I fell asleep.


  1. Dude, all those photos make me jealous! Are those new Chacos?

  2. Wow. Thanks for the update. It sure helps having tools to do all that stuff. Nicole and I are in Idaho now... for Tel*'s wedding. It's great to see some pics of the stuff you're doing.
    You're lookin good brothere.

    Happy New Year!
