This is our Staff Leader Troy and Alisa Sherman. They were the luckey ones to lead our group in our DTS. We recieved Bios on the first day we got here and I am going to write what that says:
Troy and Alisa were born into long-serving missionary families with YWAM. Troy's Family focused on the Pacific Islands and Asia, while Alisa's family workd in Eastern Europe and Russia. Troy and Alisa each received a missions calling and a desire to follow in their parent's footsteps. Troypursued a Bachelors of Arts degree in Christian Ministries at YWAM's University of the Nations. While Studying for his degree, Troy visited Serbia during the war, Indonesia when Muslim radicals bombed Christian churches and Africa where he met and fell in love with Alisa. Alisa helped pioneer bases in Africa and the Pacific Islands, and she helped train hundreds of young leaders at three international Leadership Training Schools. Along with administrative duties, she ministers through dance and the arts. Together, Alisa and Troy ministered in more than 50 countries. Today they are based out of YWAM Salem, Ore. where they lead DTS and pioneer new schools to train people for the mission field in Salem and abroad.
They are both amazing people and we are all fourtunate to have them in our lives. Thanks Guys. I am really excited to spend more time with them and learning all I can. Good night.
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