Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I wanted to show you (I speak like I know who visits this.) the latest flier sent out by our mobile team. I had a hand in the creation of this ad (the photoshop part....not the creative part). Megan was wanting a flier to give out to different people and Candyce created a drawing, and I got to take a picture of it and play with it in photoshop....Good times. Tell me what you think. She also did the buttons.


  1. Anonymous12:06 AM

    I think I like it, I like it a lot..
    Can I book this presentation to be presented in my youthgroup here? I will facilitate meals and a place to sleep.

    Johnny (from the Netherlands)

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    It looks like a roots and fruits drawing and how each person has a part, the roots as the foundation, or the people in charge, the trunk as the base and the branches as the people that reach out and the leaves or fruit as the product of your labor. I like it.


  3. I feel a little stupid that it took me like 3 whole minutes to see the YWAM written in the roots. But otherwise it's very cool :)

  4. Very cool flier Ryan. So...I have quite a few new pictures up on my flickr account. You should probably have a gander and tell me what you think.


  5. That flier is great! The buttons are pretty cool too. I'm not too sure how I feel about the anti-robot propaganda though...
