Rock On!!
Well, this starts the first official full week of classes taught by a dedicated speaker. (What I mean is a speaker will be here 6 days this week to lecture the class.) Who he is and what he is going to speak on, I don't know. I am exctied to learn though. I will have more updates later today on what he speaks about.
In the mean time this is a picture I took at Rock The Canyon in Twin Falls, Idaho. It was a music festival with alot of bands. Just one of the many pictures I took that weekend.
My phone doesn't work and it had alot of numbers on there that I need. I need to some how recover the data so I can get the contacts.
And, this week for God to speak in my life. Enough said It can't be a bad thing huh?
Also, the money situation I still haven't had any money come from my job in Twin I just hope it gets here before the 25th of this month.
Thanks again for your prayers and I'll see you later.
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