For those that don't know I can now call Salem 'home' for at least 2 years now. I have signed on as a full time volunteer and in my time, here I will be working in the Communications Office and as a Ropes Course Facilitator. I am excited about this opportunity to work along the people here at the base. I have already grown close to quite a few of the staff here. Many people that were in my school from last year came back and I have grown to enjoy spending time here with the individuals that were on staff all summer.
On to my normal apology for not updating. It has been a while. I think that it is partly due to being so busy working and to the sun coming out from behind the clouds. It is almost springtime! It sure felt like it today.
So my last week here (my starting week) I had the pleasure to work along side the Chi Alpha group from ISU in Pocatello. My friend Daniel is the one of the campus missionaries there and it was such a joy to work along side him and the students. They really have a great group of students there at Chi Alpha. We did everything from lectures (in class) to Action washing feet of homeless people, feeding them, one of the students and I even had the opportunity to baptize one in the Willamette River…(ewww.) Anyway, it was a great time this week being able to see and hang out with someone who I really look up to.
Also one Thursday for base intersession we were able to put flags back up that had been taken down and burned on our front drive…Yes they were still in the drive way when we found out what happened. So, its been a few months and we were able to get the money together for more flags. I was able to document that and had a great time doing it. It almost reminded me of The Times News when I worked there. It was fun.
I will be updating either once a week (if I am working in comm.) or as much as possible (if I am working Ropes Course). I am glad to dive in head first into a new era in my life. SEE YA!
Oh yeah, the countries flag in the photo is Myanmar.
Sweet. Now, since you're back in Salem we absolutely have to get together to catch up. I would be interested in hearing your tale and perhaps having you speak at my College and Carreer group. Myspace me and I'll send you my phone number.